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Children’s Dentistry in Meadowbank & Ryde, West Ryde

Teaching children how to care for their teeth should start as early as possible to prevent early childhood decay and protect their teeth. While children may be uneasy when first meeting the dentist, it’s important to develop the relationship. At Meadowbank Family Dental, we want children to be dentally aware and motivated to care for their teeth.

Our dentists are all qualified paediatric dentists with extensive training to work with children’s teeth. We recommend scheduling your kids for a check-up every six months to make sure their teeth and jaws are developing properly. We want to identify any concerns before they become serious.

Your Child’s First Visit

The initial visit routine differs slightly depending on your child’s age. First, the child meets the dentist and gets used to the dentist’s high-tech chair. This visit is basically a visual consultation and inspection. X-rays may be taken, if necessary, to ensure there’s nothing unusual about the child’s teeth and gums. The dentist will also assess your child’s growth and development, and identify any risk of dental decay.

Our dentists make your child’s visit an interactive one. We assess areas your child might miss while brushing, highlight and show them the spots, and teach your child how to brush properly. Flossing techniques are discussed, and we spend time educating your child on how a healthy diet affects teeth. Finally, kids love our special electric toothbrush with berry flavour toothpaste.

The Australian Dental Association recommends scheduling the first dental visit when your baby’s first tooth becomes visible or they reach 12 months old—whichever comes first. The earlier your child visits the dentist, the better. Prevention is the best cure, and early dental visits help protect your child from tooth decay.

When discussing their dental visits, don’t use words that might cause unnecessary fear, such as needle, pull, drill, or hurt. We explain all procedures to children in non-threatening terms. Using pleasant words, we demonstrate the equipment in a positive and imaginative way. Every possible effort will be made to keep the visit fun.

If your child feels anxious, an excess of kindness helps overcome and eliminate dental fears. Each child is different; we treat your child according to their individual needs with input from you.

Commonwealth-Funded Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

In Australia, children between 2 and 18 years old may have access to means-tested basic dental care through the public system, as part of the Commonwealth-funded Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). To check if your child is eligible for the CDBS, go to the Department of Human Services website.

Benefits for basic dental services, including examinations, X-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions, are capped at $1,000 per child over two consecutive calendar years. There is no waiting list; your child will be given the next available appointment. Or request a time more suitable for you. For more information, please call 132 150 or visit the CDBS website.

Healthy Teeth for Little Ones

Regular dental care starts with young children. Schedule an appointment today; contact us at (02) 8057 1086.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Children’s Dentistry Meadowbank, Ryde, West Ryde NSW | (02) 8057 1086